Services Pro-Vert Slogan

Benefits of lawns to the environment


Having a lawn around us is a privilege for many reasons, namely:

Lawns absorb carbon dioxide released from cars, factories ... that contributes to global warming and releases healthy oxygen.

Lawn transpiration reduces heat.

Lawn greatly reduces the loss of rainfall through surface runoff.

The presence of lawn prevents soil erosion.

The root mass of lawn supported by the beneficial soil microbes help to purify water pollutants that infiltrate into the ground to avoid reaching the underground aquifer.

Lawn foliage keeps air dust.

Lawn reduces noise.

To obtain the above-mentioned benefits, it is important that the lawn be well maintained, i.e. dense and healthy. A sparse lawn full of weeds, pest insects and diseases does not provide these benefits and is termed a vegetation rather than a lawn.

A good lawn maintenance means doing something positive for the environment. After all, you are the primary beneficiary of these lawn benefits. Among the cultural practices that contribute to environmental maintenance of lawns: high and frequent mowing, balanced fertilization, adequate watering, soil aeration if necessary, thatch reduction, weed control, pest insect and disease control.

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